
My 2 new hips at age 61- check with your Surgeon before doing any of these exercises

Archive for technique

The Bear Complex WOD (Modified )

“The Bear Complex”

5 x 7 sets of this sequence: No Bar…using Medicine Ball 6;8;10;14;16 and threw in an extra set with 20

  • Power Clean
  • Front Squat
  • Push Press
  • Back Squat (modified to front squat)
  • Push Press

During the warm up where I take a dowel and straight-arm pull it over my head and rotate arms behind my back ,to help shoulder motion. I suddenly sprouted a big purple bruise on the inside of my elbow??? I had blood work done yesterday???but I did a big work out in the evening and nothing…weird!!! It does not hurt was tender for a bit…But I am tough did the workout anyway  🙂

This was a great work out…by the 3rd round I was sweating…even with lighter weight and the safety of the bench for the squat…round 5 I had to take a rest and then I had some extra oumpf and threw in # 6…a girl has to have some fun!!!

Yesterday (Monday) did a fun one as well:

5 rounds of :

3 Ring Rows

6 Push Ups

9 Squats

Did it in : 8:50   Cool…I am getting better at push ups…have a bit more upper body strenght…

Experiments in Motion #1

Did some playing around with motions etc. I will be posting these weekly with video on technique for each component :

STEP UP: Doing step ups with any weights hanging from your hands; be very careful and use technique every time…do not rush this…I could feel my hips bulge out each time I tried to go fast..the heavier the weight the more careful you will need to be.You carry the same weight on each side,  stand very erect, lift your foot and step up…be very conscious of your hip when you push up and take it slowly and evenly. DO NOT try to start with heavy weights…there is no EGO involved here…you start with no weight….then slowly build up….REMEMBER you are not in a contest…this is simply to give you balance and build up muscle around your hips.

ROWING : With rowing you have to be aware that by bringing your knees up to your chest you are in a position to pop your hips. I have found out by carefully doing the motion that it is minimized if you keep your legs together, do not allow the knees to open up as you bend your legs (I did and believe me it took a few days for the pain to fade away..I WAS LUCKY ). Allow your torso to lean right back on the pull and when you move your torso up and straighten your arms allow  the handle to go over your knees before you straighten out your legs.  STOP from leaning over to pull foot straps or to grab the handle..BIG NO NO. Please get someone to do that for you. Practice the motion slowly and build up speed and keep the same motion without deviation from technique.