
My 2 new hips at age 61- check with your Surgeon before doing any of these exercises

Archive for sick

I’ve had better days……

Somewhere along the line I have to start feeling less wretched…We started UV Light therapy on Monday to try to eradicate the outside Psoriasis. Give the BUG one less chance of entering…So now I can’t tan anymore for the next 5 weeks, because they don’t want me to get a double dose…damn overkill is what I say..let’s go for it…but if I do they will notice because I will be brown (have to nix that one) 😦

I still have bad headache, nausea, tired and no strength. Fighting this shit takes it out of me. Now on the bright side it is making me lose weight 🙂

Going to move my treadmill to CrossFit location so that I can at least walk while watching everyone else have fun beating themselves up…feel lonely and left out doing zero…grrrrr….

It really looks like I will keep having to live under that darn sword….well sort of used to it…let’s see past 2 years..almost ..take a month or two:…infection…trip to Paris :)…infection…surgery (revision)….trip to Paris :)…small infection flare up…trip to Thailand :)….infection….Not bad I can live with that…just have to fit in trips in 🙂 between infections !!!!!

I am so very lucky to have all these people around me that make me laugh and I can have fun with…actually just landing in the hospital is like old home week…lol…nurses coming up from other departments during their breaks to sit and chat…a surgeon who does not mind being twitted and retaliates pretty good…everyone sniffing at the food that Chris brings in and wishing they had some (hospital food is baaaaad) see I have it good…in fact I am one spoiled beastie 🙂

Now stop whining and suck it up sister 🙂 life is not so bad…not in a bucket yet!!! And my wordsmith will be writing more stories that I can read…oh yeah..

Here we go again….” Back on the Merry-Go-Round “

Yep..the infection is back!!!! Just came out of the hospital after a week of IV and tests. Nothing on the bone or the prosthesis  yet and we sure would like to keep it that way. Of course I had to be different and have 2 infections….one on each cheek…butt cheeks that is…It used to be the drop your drawers routine…now that has changed to ..please lie on the bed with your butt up in the air so that we can take a good close look and show this to the students… Good thing I don’t have any inhibitions..I just love to watch their red faces  …lol  :).

But we now have a plan. I know the symptoms very well by now… after 4 times …I bloody well should. I am to carry meds on me at all times and the moment this comes on…start popping pills. I know, I know it is not much…but believe me every minute counts…stopping this little bugger in his tracks is paramount to not being crippled.

So I guess I will continue to live with the sword of Damocles over my head.

Anyway….things were going so well and I was so swamped with work, CrossFit and Renovations that I had no time . I let my blog slide I am afraid…tsk tsk…so here is what the plans are.

I was going to do the “Tough Mudder” However I guess after Mike’s crazy look and resounding NO when I casually mentioned it ( I think he may shoot me to stop me) and the Colonel’s NO after I just said Tough Mudder…I did not even have to say I wanted to do it…yikes are they ever quick to nix stuff…and the Colonel won’t even allow me to wander around the course…I am to sit…and he means sit at the course Finish line (he would probably take out the 2 hips to stop me….mmmm …guess I better toe the line)  also wanted to know if I had given any thought in my pea brain what the voltage shocks would do ??? DUH !!! of course not!!!…burn baby burn…from the inside out…ouch I guess it is a NO NO for sure.

However….I do have the go ahead to compete in the CrossFit Atlantic Hopper…all right…so in 2 weeks (when I feel a bit better) I am going to start training to get some of the things I can do picture perfect….ta dah !!!  and loose more weight…going to Paris in December and I want to go shopping for a couple of outfits…gotta get that bod under control…

I want to thank all …for the well wishes and visits and all the words of encouragement…can’t do it without you guys .



I have come to the conclusion that I am addicted. How do I know that? Well let me put it this way…bloody fool is chomping at the bit to work out while having a spot of trouble with Montezuma. I did the WOD today and almost lost my lunch and felt decidedly wobbly. I can just hear the explanation to the Doctors, “Well I was working out when I passed out and fell and wrecked the left hip…then I came to and had cramps …wrecked the right one trying to get up to run to the washroom , yes and I dislocated my shoulder at the same time as well”….Hokay , the Colonel will lock me up after that one and my MD will tie me to the bed for sure. He almost took off from his chair when I said that we had entered the Dragon boat race at Crossfit…”NO…YOU ARE NOT ROWING ” sounded just the same as the Crossfit people when I put that idea forward. I am beginning to feel that way too many people have my number.

I sure feel like doing a Sally Field at the Oscars…you know that soppy tearfull…you love me…you really,  really love me…