
My 2 new hips at age 61- check with your Surgeon before doing any of these exercises

Archive for team event

Skimming like a bird…sorry…. Dragon across the water

This was unbelievable fun…..I really have no words….I could just cry from joy (in fact I did…don’t tell ..kills my image 😉 ). If there was water on my face it was from splashing.

 To be able to do stuff like this again. It is hard to wrap my mind around it. The guys helped me in and out of the Dragon Boat….we entered and exited from the dock. We paddled the course a few times…I had Chris next to me and Tushard (Trauma Doctor) behind me…in case anything went wrong…they could just heave me off the boat…I float really good …even with the hips 🙂 The only time I had an issue was walking on the floating dock? I always had good balance being on moving objects…boats, planes etc. , this is odd I will need to go and practice on the neighbour’s dock and figure out what is happening.

Never thought that I would feel the competitive juices flowing again…gosh I love that feeling….edgy…I want to get a skull for 2 now. We live right on the Saint John River and we could build a frame to put the skull in so that I could lift myself in and out of it…like a u shaped dock with a pull up bar…That would be a blast to go skimming over the water in the summer.

I really need something to make up for not being able to skydive,bungee jump,  etc.  the list goes on..This could be it.

Saturday is Dragon Boat  race day….can’t wait….will post some pictures  😉

Sunny Saturday at the UNBSJ Track

What a wonderful day…we have not had much sun here this summer and it felt so nice…light breeze .

We met at the track Mike, Nick, Greg, Jeff, Alexis, Doris Chris and me. Two teams of 3. Chris has an injured toe so it is difficult to run  and he was told by the doctor at Emerg to give it a rest and I am not allowed to run (which of course I have been whining about ) and yes Colonel you are right again…IT HURTS TO RUN!!!!  😦

I just got happy…lost my mind and ran…(like a colt in a field..NOT…more like a Flemish Horse )…mmmm tried to run is more like it. I did about 10 yards…it is the motion I think of trying to stretch the leg out and push off…could not do it….tried itty bitty steps…that did not work either…then I realized what I was doing and stopped…I am such an idiot!!!! I get so happy I just start dancing around and forget where I am…must be the anaesthetics 🙂

Anyhow…it was a great day and a lot of fun..Cheering,taking photo’s and movies of the CF’s during their WOD

Humdinger Friday

TEAM WOD for time – A Regionals WOD

  • 250 Pull Ups
  • 250 Kettlebell Swings (55/35)
  • 250 Double Unders
  • 250 Overhead Squat (95/65)

We had a team of 4 Ben,Kevin, Maddy and moi:

Since I do not do all of the weights or etc. here is what i did to help the team

90 Ring Rows

70 Kettlebell Swings (20)

60 Single Unders (Mike called a stop since I am only allowed to do 25)

90 Medicine Ball Power Clean Box Squat :D (this is what we made up so that I could squat safely. We had a bit of a scare when I went right down on Thursday, muscles are not strong enough to power up yet).

And drumroll please we finished in 21:29 and beat the other team…..then we went and cheered them on…lol  🙂

Time to bite the bullett………

Still sick…tried the WOD on Friday and Mike told me to stop…cold sweat …had to run to washroom…etc. so I did some mobility stuff. Week-end came and went….still sick…yikes !!! when is this going to end???? So now I am fed up and will do the WOD regardless …as the guys at Crossfit say…” Balls to the wall ”

I was watching the Crossfit games over the week-end and am stunned that my 500M row is almost the same time as theirs??? (Masters Women 60+)what is with that??? Darn, if it wasn’t for the no impact promise I gave to the Colonel I’d be training for the games tomorrow….Oh well…wishful thinking…no point to it…however what I am allowed to do I can sure strive to beat their times…good goal that.


I have come to the conclusion that I am addicted. How do I know that? Well let me put it this way…bloody fool is chomping at the bit to work out while having a spot of trouble with Montezuma. I did the WOD today and almost lost my lunch and felt decidedly wobbly. I can just hear the explanation to the Doctors, “Well I was working out when I passed out and fell and wrecked the left hip…then I came to and had cramps …wrecked the right one trying to get up to run to the washroom , yes and I dislocated my shoulder at the same time as well”….Hokay , the Colonel will lock me up after that one and my MD will tie me to the bed for sure. He almost took off from his chair when I said that we had entered the Dragon boat race at Crossfit…”NO…YOU ARE NOT ROWING ” sounded just the same as the Crossfit people when I put that idea forward. I am beginning to feel that way too many people have my number.

I sure feel like doing a Sally Field at the Oscars…you know that soppy tearfull…you love me…you really,  really love me…


Showdown at the CrossFit corral

Kevin “Karate Kid” and MP “The Hipster” partnered up to kick ass on Friday’s team event….and guess what ….we tied for 6th with the time of 13:30 and 378 points. That is so cool.

I even surprised myself with holding a plank position for 67 seconds (modified for the leg flutter….I seem to be having some movement issue with the right joint) . 

The pole is my friend

Poor Kevin had a bad cold and he ran the 200 M, while I was modified to row 200 M since not allowed to run (on pain of dismemberment…LOL )

The pics and video are not pretty and it is PG since there is obscene language. I truly can’t remember much all I could think of was that I had to finish it.

I do know that when Chris told me to stop,,,the water running down my face was not just sweat…we will just leave it at that.

I am taking you home BFF



My First Team Event AT CrossFit….

Here goes, instead of running I will be rowing:

Teams of 2 randomly selected.

Complete the following relay for time:

  • one partner runs 200 m, other partner does flutter kicks non-stop until first returns
  • switch roles


  • first partner runs 200m, other partner does push ups until first returns
  • switch roles


  • first runs 200m, other does ring rows until first returns
  • switch roles


  • first runs 200m, other does air squats until first returns
  • switch roles

Once partner returns through door on last round, time stops.

The goal is to finish WOD as fast as possible, but also accumulate as many repetitions as possible within the time your partner runs.

Woweee!!!! I am looking forward to this one . Chris will be filming since he will not be participating because he is doing a Hopper on saturday at CrossFit Moncton (friendly competition).

Check out my link to CrossFit in ” My World ” My Gym. Mike took some pics of me doing modified burpees…bad idea to be throwing myself on the floor yet to do the real ones…it will come…in the meantime I am having as much fun as I can…can’t wait for tomorrow